Tinderbox Training Video 60 - Authoring Books, Scripts & Screenplays with Tinderbox

Tinderbox Training Video- Author Books, Scripts & Screenplays with Tinderbox

Level Intermediate
Published Date 9/17/21
Type How To
Tags 4CKMEl, 4Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Tinderbox, aTbRef
Video Length 47:09
Video URL Tinderbox Training Video- Authoring Books, Scripts & Screenplays with Tinderbox - YouTube
Example File TBX L- Author Books, Scripts & Screenplays with Tinderbox SampleFIle.tbx (619.4 KB)
TBX Version 9
Instructor Michael Becker

In this Tinderbox Lesson, Gernot Weise is a long-term Tinderbox user, a German IT program and a product manager by day, and an author, scriptwriter, and playwright the rest of the time. He shares with us how he outlines his scripts and plays with Tinderbox. We have an engaging back and forth about Tinderbox and how Tinderbox helps him think and outline the details arcs of his stories.

A key insight in this training is that Gernot primarily, unlike Roberto Moreira who uses Map View to organize scenes and Outline View to manage timing, uses Tinderbox for outlining his scripts. He then uses other software to develop his characters, i.e., Dramatica, and to write them he uses Scrivener. This lesson is a perfect example of how Tinderbox can slide right into someone’s workflow.

SIDE NOTE: personally, I’ve replaced Scrivener in my own workflow with Tinderbox, that is once I figured out Tinderbox’s contribution function and CSS, HTML, Action Code, Export Code, etc. The key point, this works for me, now, but not for Gernot; this is a great example of how people need to pick what works for them.

What I really love about this Gernot work is how he uses attributes, templates, and agents to help him get a different look at his data. For example, with effective use of attributes and templates, he gets to view his stories at the scene, plot, and arc view (not to be mistaken with Tinderbox views).

Enjoy, this one is fun.


Complete video list

You’ll find a Tinderbox reference file for this video on the Tinderbox Forum: Mastering Tinderbox: Training Videos (Complete List)